Other Service (organized conferences, invited talks, etc.)
  • Organizer: Dagstuhl Workshop on Design and Validation of Concurrent Systems, Dagstuhl, Germany, Aug 30, 2009.
  • Organizer: Workshop on Security and Reliability in Software Systems, with FSTTCS, Bangalore, India, 2008.
  • Invited tutorial: Learning Algorithms and Formal Verification
    VMCAI (Verification, Model Checking and Abstract Interpretation) Nice, France.
    (Slides in PDF).
  • Invited Talk: Visibly pushdown automata for XML
    EROW (Emerging Research Opportunities in Web Data Management) 2007,
    An ICDT workshop, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Organizer: Workshop on Games in Design and Verification; colocated with FLoC (Federated Logic Conference) (which includes CAV, LICS, etc.), Seattle, USA.
  • Organizer: Workshop on Software Verification; part of FSTTCS 2005, Hyderabad, India.
  • Invited talk: GALOP'06: Games for Logic and Programming Languages, part of FLoC, Seattle, USA.
  • Invited talk: LCC'05: Logic and Computational Complexity, workshop with LICS'05, Chicago.
  • Invited talk: FIT'05: Foundations of Interface Technologies, workshop with CONCUR'05, San Fransisco.